Dress Code

Woodcote Park is the Club’s country estate, where you should always feel welcome and relaxed.

Although there is no dress code in most areas, members and their guests are asked to dress appropriately for the Club environment, time of day and occasion.

You should never wear anything with potentially offensive slogans, that is dirty or torn or is inappropriately revealing. Heavily used sportswear should not be worn indoors.

We would also ask you to bear in mind that the ground floor of the clubhouse is a more formal area than most of the estate, particularly in the evenings. There are therefore still specific dress requirements for Stirling’s, the Hurricane Bar and Sunday Lunch in the Cedar Room.

There are also dress codes for golf, squash and tennis.

Outerwear and luggage (including umbrellas and carrier bags) may not be kept in the public spaces of the clubhouse. They must be left in the cloakrooms or your bedroom or can be deposited in the banqueting room if you are attending a function.

We hope you enjoy your visit to Woodcote Park.

If you are unable to meet the dress code due to medical reasons, please contact Club Management in advance of your visit to the clubhouse.

If you have any queries about the dress code please contact Woodcote Park’s Reception Team at wpreception@royalautomobileclub.co.uk or on 01372 276311.

Stirling’s, The Hurricane Bar and Sunday Lunch in the Cedar Room

The dress code for anyone aged 13 or above is:

  • Men – Collared shirt (including short sleeve button-fronted shirts and polo shirts), sweaters (including roll or polo necks), smart trousers (including corduroys, chinos or moleskins) and shoes (not trainers). A tailored jacket is required in Stirling’s after 6.00pm except in June, July and August.
  • Women – Please dress with equivalent formality. Smart open-toed sandals are permitted in June, July and August.

Please note that the minimum age in Stirling’s and the Hurricane Bar is seven.

For children under 13, there is no official dress code but we ask that large slogans are not worn.

Tennis and Squash

Only shoes with non-marking soles may be worn in the squash courts and suitable footwear (trainers) must be worn for tennis.

For both squash and tennis, it is preferred that players aged 13 or above are dressed predominantly in white but coordinated colours are permitted.


Please click here to view the Golf Dress Code.


The standard dress code for the clubhouse also applies to members and guests attending events – unless different requirements are published in the information about the event you are attending.